Monday, July 7, 2008


Trevor came home with us from the visit to Arkansas/Oklahoma. Seems like so long ago but was just the middle of June. The drive home was scary for a little bit. It is possible we drove through the edge of a tornado. And I found out that NO ONE answers their phone at 9:30am on Sunday morning. I was desperately trying to get a hold of someone to have them check a radar online. Going down I40 in Oklahoma, the clouds came and there was a large (looked like a funnel) cloud but I couldn't really see rotation. All of a sudden the wind came and blew us so hard I thought we were going off the road, then the hail. It was pretty scary because the truckers never stop and put on the hazards. It can be raining so hard you can't see and they are still going 70miles an hour. They stopped this time and that's when I started mom, jaime and steph if I am calling you at a strange hour on a strange day it's because I might be terrified :)

We had a great time the whole week, Shawn's parents met us at the house when we got in on Sunday and we had a great lunch. Then the week was in full swing, Trevor went to a summer day camp and loved it. I loved it too, there is nothing sweeter than riding in the car every morning and afternoon with a little boy that tells you he loves you to space and forever. But we were so busy I didn't get many pictures which I regret!

But I did get some at the airport, I took Trevor on his first plane ride from Dallas to Little Rock where we met up with mom and Jaime, Steph and Liv. Then Sunday Mom, Trevor and I had a great breakfast with Katie at Ozark something something.....Great chocolate chip pancakes!

Getting ready to board....

He was Mr. Cool, acted like he had been flying forever

We got to LR and had lunch with mom and the girls. Trevor and Liv are too cute together. Thank goodness for Steph and her picture taking abilities because I am constantly missing the action!

Steph capturing the moment, the kiddos were in a very serious conversation and it was the cutest.

Pizza face

Oh Gelato!

That's my sweetheart :)

1 comment:

Scott said...

Yummmmmmmmmy...gelato! It was so good getting to hang with ya for a bit that weekend. If only EVERY weekend was a 'girlie get together' weekend, then life would quite simply be...complete. :-)