Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We're not what people?

The other day I managed to stab myself in the eye with my mascara brush while getting ready for work. Completely blinded all I could do was yell for Shawn...well the screech I made when I did it may have alerted him. My eye would not produce a tear for anything just dry dry dry so I couldn't get the massive amounts of burning mascara out.

I asked Shawn to bring me some eye drops. He replied in all seriousness....we're not eye drop people. Which made me laugh hard enough to bring the needed teardrop. And he's right I don't believe I have ever in my life purchased eye drops.


Jim and Katie said...

haha!!!! hope your eye is okay!

Jaime said...

How can you get through life without ever using a single eye drop? just blew my mind! Hyland and I are definitely eye drop people...we have even started converting our 4 year old!

Kylie Williams said...

my god. i agree with jaims.

Mindy said...

hahah yes how in the hell can you get through life without eye drops. I am totally getting you some and mailing it. That is just plain silly scarletta! And insanely hilarious.

Scott said...

Okay seriously. I am so sad that I so late on reading up on your blogs because Scarlette, I can relate with YOU. Aaron & I are not eye drop people either. I have never purchased eye drops..ever. That is so freakin' funny. Keep those stories a coming!